Sunday, June 13, 2010


Well today I thought that as it is Sunday, and for me the beginning to a new week, an important week, That I would rave about FlyLady!

About 3 months ago, when I first discovered I thought that only a bunch of wacky women who couldn't control and manage their houses would need such an involved system.  Little did I know, that I needed the involved system myself so that my house would indeed become a home before I give birth to our son in July.  Well for the last two months, I have become a dedicated follower of Marla's ways, and thank goodness too!  On June 3rd, I found out that our son is breech, and as of the 11th of June, He still hadn't flipped into the correct position.  During my appointment at the hospital to have a version, (where they manually flip the baby from the outside) I decided it would be much safer to go ahead and schedule a c-section.  Well, low and behold an hour and half later, the nurse comes in with discharge papers saying that I am scheduled for a c-section on the 18th of June and to come in at 11 am, for the surgery to be started at 1pm.

Every thought crossed through my head.  Do we have everything for ds when we bring him home?  Is a sitter lined up for dd on the day of the surgery?  Followed by, Oh my goodness is the house even what I would consider ready to bring a newborn home to???

Since I have great routines, and my house is maintained by Kelly's Missions,  15 Minute PUPA's, and Hot Spot Cleanings... Everything is in order.  And will continue to be easy to maintain while I am healing from the c-section with just a little help from my dh.

Last week, I was in the chat room, and the ladies helped me with "Numbers"  -- By early that afternoon, the nursery was re-organized, cleaned, and ready for a dd10mo and a newborn to share, and for me to be pleased of.  It was a great flight moment, as I had been procrastinating for a few weeks.  Then again another day, I reconquered our living room from tons of toys and a playpen.  Making it an adult sanctuary for dh and I to relax in during date nights and every other night once dd is asleep.

With all of this as a moral booster, when my mother (my fear of her displeasure and disappointment is great) sent a letter saying she would be willing to come whenever I was ready once ds is born, I was confident that she could come before, during, or after the birth of ds, and I will tell her so tonight on the phone during our weekly conversation.

FlyLady has giving me courage to keep my house, and make it into a home!  One that I am pleased to have visitors, and company, and family come to!  Something I have never had since the beginning of me renting or owning places on my own or with my dh.

FlyLady is truly my Fairy Godmother!!! Thank You! 


  1. Congratulations! I hope you C-Section goes off without any problems. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
